University of Cape Town, South Africa
Introduction to Double Tax Conventions
Honorary Associate Professor since 2019; lecturer since 2015
Instituto Brasileiro de Direito Tributário, Brazil
Postgraduate Course on International Taxation
Since 2015
Catholic Global School of Law, Catholic University of Lisbon, Portugal
International Tax Planning (LLM in International Business Law)
Since 2021
Católica Lisbon School of Business and Economics, Portugal
Postgraduate Program in International Tax Law
Since 2014
Catholic University of Lisbon – Law School, Portugal
European Tax Law (Master of Tax Law); Supervisor of master and doctoral thesis
Since 2012
University of Santiago de Compostela – Law School, Spain
International and European Taxation (Master on European and International Tax Law); Secondary EU Law
Since 2009; online course since 2018
Catholic University of Porto – Law School, Portugal
European Tax Law (Master of Laws); Fundamentals of International Tax Planning; Supervisor of master thesis
Since 2009